Pty Ltd
ACN 093 030 356
ph: +61 2 9639 6238
Box 498 Baulkham Hills NSW 1755 Australia.
Fanden is an Australian project management, systems integration, electronics and engineering company whose people and associates have experience in:
project management
systems design & integration
electronics design & construct (-20C < Ta < 110C), high voltage spikes & vibration
electrical and general engineering
radio communications (200 kHz to 10 GHz, uW to 3kW)
global positioning (GPS)
instrumentation development, laboratory & field testing
DC motors & generators from 5W to 5MW
dielectric testing
energy & fuel management
railway engineering, accident investigation & failure analysis
value management
We are not currently seeking work.
Frank OHare (previously FIEAust, FAIM, MIEEE, CPEng, APEC Engr,
and alphabet soup)
Managing Director